Make Best Meatloaf With Lean or More Fat Ground Beef

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This is the BEST Meatloaf Recipe out there! Moist and succulent, this easy-to-make meatloaf with sweet ketchup coat will leave you wanting more than. Delicious served with mashed potatoes and maple glazed carrots.

A close up of a plate of Meatloaf

Why This is The Best Meatloaf Recipe Out There

You're ten ingredients away from making the Best Meatloaf ever! This is a archetype recipe that is easy to follow that is flavorful, tender, moist and savory with a sweet ketchup glaze. If you're hesitant about cooking or accept never made meatloaf before, don't worry! Read this post to become all my tips and tricks for an astonishing meal.

What is the Secret to Good Meatloaf?

Well, at that place are a number of things that I do to go on a meatloaf moist, tender and delicious! Here are the nuts:

  • Fat Content. Using a basis beef that has a slightly higher fat content tin definitely help keep your meatloaf moist and tender. A lean or actress lean ground beef (similar 90/10 or 93/7) makes a tough meatloaf because it lacks the fat. Try to aim for 80/xx.
  • Add Sautรฉed Veggies. I like sautรฉing some onions in olive oil until they are brown and adding this to the meat mixture. This not just adds flavour but extra moisture to keep your meatloaf tender and juicy.
  • Add Milk. I know this seems like a weird ingredient, simply milk makes a huge difference! Milk adds moisture and it helps keeps the meat tender.
  • Employ Breadcrumbs. Seasoned breadcrumbs add another layer of flavor and act sort of like a 'filler'. But it has an important job! Breadcrumbs absorbs the milk as well as the fat from the meat every bit it cooks, helping to lock in moisture, keeping your meatloaf delicious.
  • Season the Meat Well. This recipe makes a large meatloaf, so it needs enough of salt and pepper. At to the lowest degree a tablespoon of each. Also, Worcestershire adds depth of flavor, so don't forget it!
  • Add a Glaze. Whether y'all brush on a bootleg glaze or use evidently old ketchup, this adds a sweet season which compliments the savory meatloaf and yes, you guessed it, helps hold moisture in.
  • Comprehend the Meatloaf When Baking. Again, retaining moisture is the name of the game, so while this meatloaf recipe is in the oven, be sure to cover it with foil. In the last 15 minutes, feel gratuitous to remove to become that glaze nice and sticky. Yum!

Why Do You Put Milk in Meatloaf?

Like I mentioned higher up, milk adds moisture and fatty that the breadcrumbs absorb that keep this recipe moist and tender. I use the same method with meatballs and even turkey burgers. Milk is a magic ingredient that makes a large difference. Endeavor to use whole or two% milk where you can. Of course 1% or skim milk works just fine! A nondairy substitute would as well piece of work in identify of the milk also.

Ingredients in a white plastic bowl

How to Make Meatloaf

Here is my ultimate guide on how to make meatloaf. Exist sure to follow forth and if you have any questions, leave them in the comments below ๐Ÿ™‚

Preheat and Prep

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a half canvas pan with heavy-duty foil, spray lightly with nonstick cooking spray and set aside.

Practice I Need a Special Pan For Meatloaf?

No! You may accept seen special 'meatloaf pans' out there which await like a cross between a loaf pan, a springform pan, and a colander. But let me be the outset to tell y'all, you don't demand it to make moist, flavorful meatloaf. With my recipe, you only demand a baking sheet lined with foil. A glass baking dish also works in a pinch. You tin also just use two obviously loaf pans that yous would apply for staff of life, but I personally don't similar all the fat collecting in the pan; I similar forming the meatloaf on a canvas pan and letting any extra fatty cook out and end up on the pan instead of in the meatloaf.

Make Meatloaf Mixture

In a large skillet,saute onions in olive oil until tender and browned. Pour into a large bowl.

To the onions, add in footing beef, bread crumbs, eggs, milk, salt, pepper, seasonings, ketchup, and Worcestershire sauce. Mix well until completely combined. Don't forget to flavour well with salt and pepper.

raw meatloaf on a tinfoil lined baking sheet being glazes with ketchup

Form Your Meatloaf Log and Add together the Glaze

Form into a long log on the prepared blistering canvass and flatten the top. It should fill the pan lengthwise.

Whisk ketchup together with brown sugar and spread overtop of the formed meatloaf.

What Tin I Put on Top of Meatloaf Instead of Ketchup?

I kept things piece of cake by glazing this meatloaf recipe with a combination of ketchup and brownish sugar. Ketchup is a uncomplicated however traditional topping to meatloaf that locks in the wet while also providing its signature sweetness vinegary taste. If y'all don't similar ketchup or for any reason don't want to use ketchup every bit a glaze, here are a few other options:

  • BBQ sauce
  • Grated Cheddar Cheese
  • Marinara Sauce (for an Italian meatloaf)
  • Salsa (for a Mexican inspired meatloaf)
  • Strips of Bacon
  • Foam of Mushroom Soup


Bake covered with foil at 350 degrees until cooked all the fashion through to at to the lowest degree 160 degrees F. Feel free to remove the foil afterward about 40 minutes of cooking to actually caramelize that glaze. Top with chopped parsley if desired and serve.

How Long to Cook Meatloaf?

The general rule of pollex here is to cook a meatloaf 30 minutes per pound of beef. This is at the oven temperature of 350 degrees. Cooking times will vary because no two ovens are alike. Plus the thinner and flatter you make your loaf the quicker it volition cook. I baked mine for almost an hr, you may need more time.

What Internal Temperature is Meatloaf Washed?

Employ an instant read meat thermometer to check for doneness. If information technology reads 160 degrees F or more, you lot're good to become. Over blistering can dry it out though, and then be careful.

Storing + Reheating Meatloaf

Lucky for you, this meatloaf recipe saves well! Cover leftovers with plastic wrap and store them in the fridge for up to 4 days. To reheat, simply warm in the microwave or oven.

Freezing Meatloaf

Yous can besides freeze this meatloaf recipe. With this method, it can last upwards to 4 months in the freezer.

Freeze. Afterward baking, let your loaf cool to room temperature. Comprehend in foil, then seal it in a plastic freezer bag.

Reheat. Let thaw for 24 hours in your fridge before blistering. Then bake at 350 degrees until the internal temperature reaches 160 degrees.

Make-Ahead Instructions

Besides measuring ingredients and mixing them together, the only other thing you have to practise is saute onions. This is why this meatloaf recipe is such an easy ane. Information technology is perfect for any night of the calendar week and tin even be made ahead of time!

Simply mix the meat mixture together in a bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate until ready to use. When you're ready, uncover information technology and let it come up to room temperature while the oven preheats. Form that log shape on a prepared pan and tiptop information technology with the sauce right earlier baking.

What to Serve with Meatloaf

The Best Meatloaf Recipe deserves to be served with the best side dishes. And so I've rounded up a few that go perfectly with meatloaf. Feel gratis to scan all of my side dish recipes hither.

  • Mashed Potatoes – for a hearty comforting meal pair with mashed potatoes.
  • Roasted Cauliflower – this is on the lighter side but is packed full of flavor.
  • Vegetable Rice Pilaf – basically flavored rice with vegetables, for a healthy balanced repast.
  • Classic Coleslaw with Homemade Coleslaw Dressing – you can't go incorrect with this astonishing coleslaw recipe.
close up of the top of meatloaf sliced

Troubleshooting Your Meatloaf Woes

Why is My Meatloaf Falling Apart?

To proceed your loaf from falling apart brand certain yous follow the written recipe correctly. All of the binding ingredients (like breadcrumbs and eggs) are key. Another reason the meatloaf can fall apart is if you sliced into it while information technology right out of the oven pipe hot. Allow information technology rest for ten minutes before cutting to help it keep its shape.

Why is My Meatloaf Tough?

You could have a tough or chewy meatloaf for two chief reasons: (1) y'all used a ground beef with a lower fatty content and/or (2) you over baked it. To avoid this, use 80/20 ground beef and use that instant read meat thermometer to help forbid this.

Why is My Meatloaf Mushy?

The main reason yous'd have a mushy meatloaf is if the portions of bounden ingredients to meat is off. If you accept too many onions, breadcrumbs, eggs and milk can create a mushy meatloaf. Any meatloaf recipe that has more breadcrumbs than ground beef is a sign y'all'll most likely have a mushy meatloaf.

Why Did My Meatloaf Cleft?

This happens because the exterior cooks faster than the within. To help foreclose a crack in your meatloaf, be sure to top the outside with ketchup, bake at a lower oven temperature (350 degrees F) and cover with foil.

Anyways, I hope y'all come to love this recipe and find success! It's a good one that my family loves that I think y'all will, besides! Accept a great twenty-four hours!

A close up of a plate of Meatloaf

Best Meatloaf Recipe

This is the BEST Meatloaf Recipe out at that place! Moist and delicious, this piece of cake to brand meatloaf will leave you wanting more.


  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • ii cups yellowish onion diced
  • 3 pounds basis beef (I used fourscore/twenty)
  • ane cup plain bread crumbs
  • iii large eggs browbeaten
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • salt & pepper to gustatory modality
  • 1 tablespoon onion pulverisation
  • 1 i/two teaspoons garlic powder
  • i teaspoon Italian Seasoning
  • 1 loving cup ketchup
  • 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
  • three tablespoons parsley chopped

For the Glaze:

  • 1/3 cup brown saccharide
  • 1 1/2 cups ketchup


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line half sail pan with heavy-duty foil, spray lightly with nonstick cooking spray and set aside.

  • In a large skillet, saute onions in olive oil until tender and browned, most 10 minutes. Pour into a large bowl.

  • To the onions, add together in ground beef, breadstuff crumbs, eggs, milk, salt, pepper, seasonings, 1 cup ketchup, Worcestershire sauce and parsley. Mix well until completely combined.

  • Grade into a long log on the prepared blistering sheet and flatten the top.

  • In a pocket-size basin, whisk brown sugar with remaining 1 1/2 cups ketchup to form coat.

  • Spread glaze overtop prepared meatloaf and bake covered with foil 45 minutes to ane hr or until cooked thoroughly and registers at least 160 degrees F. Rest meatloaf covered lightly with foil for 10-15 minutes before cut. Meridian with more chopped parsley, if desired, and serve.



Leftovers. Lucky for you, this meatloaf recipe saves well! Cover leftovers with plastic wrap and store in the fridge for upward to 4 days.

Freezing. Afterward baking, let your meatloaf cool to room temperature. Cover in foil, then seal it in a plastic freezer purse.

Reheat.Allow thaw for 24 hours in your fridge before baking. And so bake at 350 degrees until the internal temperature reaches 160 degrees.


Calories: 440 kcal | Carbohydrates: 23 g | Protein: 24 g | Fat: 27 thousand | Saturated Fatty: 10 thousand | Cholesterol: 134 mg | Sodium: 649 mg | Potassium: 581 mg | Cobweb: i g | Sugar: 13 g | Vitamin A: 434 IU | Vitamin C: 6 mg | Calcium: 75 mg | Atomic number 26: 3 mg

Course: Dinner

Cuisine: American

Keyword: easy meatloaf recipe, how to make meatloaf, Meatloaf, meatloaf recipe


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